Home AIR アーティスト スティーブ・フロスト

スティーブ・フロストSteve Frost

Ralph C. Lumbres and Ness Roque (Salikhain Kolektib, from the Philippines) and Steve Frost (Tasai Collective, from Canada)《KocoGarden》2023




A BFA studio major from UBC with a focus on painting and printmaking has launched a decades long exploration of multi-disciplinary artistic expression. Steve is the founder and Executive Director of The Tasai Foundation, a Vancouver based collective of creatives for the common good, exploring friendship through collaboration. While in Japan he has been exploring participatory art through an ongoing project called KocoGarden. Drawing on concepts from participatory art and Japanese アートプロジェクト(art projects) Steve’s studio has been transformed into KocoGarden, a multi-sensory space for the Koganecho community of artists, staff, and the local neighborhood.




Residence Period|2023~ 






※この映像は、2023年9月黄金町秋のバザール Koganecho International Artist’s Network 2023 誰も知らないアーティストの開催にあたって制作されました。

滞在アーティストStaying Artist

過去の滞在アーティストPast stay Artists
