安里槙 個展「Footprints」2017 展示風景 © Asato Shin
Shin Asato, Solo Exhibition View “Footprints” ©︎ Asato Shin
1984年沖縄県生まれ。現在神奈川県と沖縄県を拠点に活動。琉球大学人間科学科を卒業後、沖縄県立芸術大学へ進学し制作活動を始める。2016 年-2017 年ミュンヘン美術院研究生。2018年より黄金町AIR参加。絵画・ミクストメディア・インスタレーションを主軸に、光、水、風といった自然の「気配」に興味を持ち、制作を行っている。
Born in Okinawa, 1984. Based in Kanagawa and Okinawa. Asato started painting by himself when studying psychology at the University of the Ryukyus. For learning painting, he moved to Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, and went as a guest student to the Academy of Fine Arts Munich for one year from 2016. Participant of Koganecho AIR since 2018. His main concern is “atmosphere” of nature such as light, wind and water in the field of painting mixed media and installation.
Residence Period|2018 ~2021
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