Home AIR アーティスト アミーナ・カイ

アミーナ・カイAmina Kai

Amina Kai《Childhood Joy》2022年、15 cm x 10 cm、キャンバスにアクリル

Amina Kai Childhood Joy 2022, 6 in x 4 in, Acrylic on canvas




Baltimore Native, Amina Kai is an acrylic and oil based painter, photographer, and filmmaker. She has explored all aspects of visual arts– she received a Waldorf education, studied at Arts magnet middle and high schools, and formally majored in Photography at Art Center College of Design in Southern California. But, recently she has fallen back into her love for painting. She paints abstract figures in simplified spaces, amplified by complex colors and daring brush strokes. Her common theme of faceless figures invites viewers to identify and relate to the figure. As a face is a big part of identity, the figures being faceless make it less about who he/she is, and more about what he/ she is experiencing. Amina Kai often decorates her canvas with joyful colors, however the themes are melancholy. The same way she’s often afraid to express her discomfort in real life, is the same function of those joyful colors, it’s a mask.




Residence Period|2022 ~ 






滞在アーティストStaying Artist

過去の滞在アーティストPast stay Artists
