Home AIR アーティスト アントニオ・ミロ・セバスチャン

アントニオ・ミロ・セバスチャンAntonio Milo Sebastian



Hi, my name is Antonio Milo Sebastian, but I usually go by Milo. I work in the fields of art and social engagement. In both areas, I focus on developing creative methods that can be implemented in artistic creation as well as educational approaches. I elaborate and adopt various methods and concepts as references to explore and develop new and unique potentials. In my free time, I enjoy coming up with crazy ideas and documenting all my new thoughts in various mediums. Often, I turn these ideas into independent projects by collaborating with institutions and organizations.

Photo by Liu Shujia



Residence Period|2025






滞在アーティストStaying Artist

過去の滞在アーティストPast stay Artists
