2008年東京造形大学美術学科を卒業後、舞台美術に携わる。祖父母が被爆者であるという出自から、社会的役割と個人のアイデンティティの境界を問い続ける。平和祈念像に扮したパフォーマンスや旧浦上天主堂をプロジェクションマッピングで再現する「浦上天主堂再現プロジェクト」を実施。以降、物語化の手法で現実と虚構が交差する場を構築し、人間存在の拡張を探る。現在、志田塗装の代理人としても活動する。 After graduating from Tokyo Zokei University in 2008 with a degree in fine arts, he began working in stage design. Having his grandparents as atomic bomb survivors, he continues to question the boundary between social roles and personal identity. He has also created a performance dressed as the Nagasaki Peace Statue by Seibo Kitamura, and the "Urakami Tenshudo Reproduction Project," a projection mapping reproduction of the former Urakami Tenshudo (Urakami Church of Heaven). Since then, he has been exploring the expansion of human existence by constructing a place where reality and fiction intersect through the method of storytelling. Currently, he also works as a representative for the paint company Shida Toso.
Residence Period|2024 ~