Ting Chaong-Wen

《Modern Imitation》2015年 / 鉄筋コンクリート、鉄パイプ、ドローイング紙、カーボン紙、ポスター、パレット / 107 Gallery(台湾)

Ting Chaong-Wen is interested in the composition of memory, His works always present the measurement of local histories and cultural links. His artworks are often inspired by his own experiences and often include ready-made objects, which through the context of a particular exhibition, become part of a particular historical narrative. Thus artist deconstructs, interprets, and reinterprets our shared history in surprising and innovate ways. He examines dominant values, historical conflicts such as colonialism, migration, and cultural collective memory and their cross-border existence.

▶Exhibition at Hinode Studio

asia art week2016