In collaboration, Koganecho Area Management Center (Yokohama) and 98B Art COLLABoratory (Manila) will organize an artist exchange program that aims to establish a creative network between the two cities. For this project, two artists from Yokohama will be hosted in Manila to conduct research with their local artist‐partners. The collaborative research will explore the social and cultural roles of visual languages in Metro Manila. The output of the research will be compiled into a book project that will be distributed to different libraries across the Asian region. It is hoped that this program will result into a pioneering creative exchange between Yokohama and Manila and also provide an alternative model for Artist‐in‐Residence programs.
本間純(アーティスト)x ドン・ダルマチオ(ホスト・アーティスト)
レジデンス期間:8/4(土)- 8/17(金)
石原弓子(建築家)x コン・カブレラ(ホスト・アーティスト
Jun Honma + Don Djerassi Dalmacio / August 4 -August 17 Yumiko Ishihara + Con Cabrera / August 14 -August 28
本間純(ほんま じゅん)
最近の主な展覧会に、大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ(2000、03, 06, 09年)、水都大阪・2009、越後妻有雪アートプロジェクト(2010年)、黄金町バザール(2008、11年)などがある
Jun Honma (b. 1967)
Studied three‐dimensional design in Tama Art University. He has been creating site‐specific installations incorporating the context where his work is shown, and also organizing art festivals “Aoba Art” in local communities. His recent major exhibitions include Echigo‐Tsumari Triennale (2000, 2003, 2006, 2009), Aqua Metropolis, Osaka (2009), and Koganecho Bazaar (2008, 2011).
石原弓子(いしはら ゆみこ)
1977年台北生まれ。千葉大学工学部建築学科(2001年)、同大学院修士課程修了(2003年)。設計組織ADH(2003-09年)での活動、UR都市機構都市デザインチーム(2005年-07年)への出向を経て、2008年より東京理科大学非常勤講師。また2010年からは建築家・デザイナーのユニット「studio BO5」の中心メンバーとして、デザインを通して生活環境を考えるワークショップや設計プロジェクトを展開している。
Yumiko Ishihara (b.1977)
She completed her studies in the Master’s Degree program at the Department of Architecture, Chiba University. After working for the architectural organization ADH (2003‐2009) and the design team at Urban Renaissance Agency (2005‐2007), she formed an architect and designer collective “studio BO5” in 2010. From the architect’sperspective, she is exploring the relationship between the living environment and design.
コン・カブレラ(Con Cabrera)
1981 年フィリピン・パンパンガ州生まれ。セント・トーマス大学美術デザイン学部で広告美術を学ぶ。アーティスト・アライアンス「ARREST (Artists Response to the Call for Social Change and Transformation)」のメンバーとして2005 年より活動。アーティストとして制作活動を行いながら、インディペンデント・キュレーターとしても活動中
Con Cabrera (b. 1981)
Born and raised in Sasmuan, Pampanga, Philippines, Con Cabrera is a graduate of Advertising Arts of the University of Santo Tomas. She currently lives in Quezon City, worked for a magazine publishing company and teaches part‐time in Kalayaan College. She’s a member of the artist alliance Artists’ ARREST (Artists Response to the Call for Social Change and Transformation) since 2005. For the past couple of years, she has participated in a number of group exhibitions in Manila and co‐curated an exhibit of digital works in San Francisco, USA, which was also showcased in Oakland, California. She is currently busy in her involvement with the research and development of 98B Art Lab’s Open Library and independent curatorial projects.
ドン・ダルマシオ(Don Djerassi Dalmacio)
1979 年マニラ生まれ。ファー・イースタン大学で美術を学ぶ。大学在学中から国内外の展覧会に参加。フィリップ・モリス・アートアワードのトップ5に入選(2003 年)、ASEAN Art Awards in Bangkok のフィリピン代表(2004)、the Culture Center of the Philippines Thirteen Artists Awards 受賞(2009 年)ペインター。写真、絵画、インスタレーションなどのメディアを使った作品制作を行いながら、動物の救助活動も行っている。
Don Djerassi Dalmacio (b.1979)
Born in 1979 in Manila, Don Djerassi Dalmacio graduated with a degree in Fine Arts Majoring in Advertising at the Far Eastern University (2003). Since 1999, he has been a part of several exhibitions and competitions both in the Philippines and abroad. He has had five solo shows since 2007. He was awarded as Juror’s Choice (one of the Top Five) in the Philip Morris Art Awards in 2003, representing the Philippines in the 2004 ASEAN Art Awards in Bangkok , Thailand. In 2009, he was one of the recipients of the Cultural Center of the Philippines Thirteen Artists Award. He enjoys photography, painting, installations and helping animals in distress.
平野真弓(ひらの まゆみ)
1978 年生まれ。米国バードカレッジ・センター・フォー・キュラトリアル・スタディーズ修士課程修了。横浜トリエンナーレ2005 キュラトリアルチームで現場経験を得た後、アジア・アート・アーカイブのリサーチャーとして活動。2008 年より黄金町バザールとその連携国際レジデンス事業のキュレーションに携わる。
Mayumi Hirano (b.1978)
Graduated from Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College (NY, USA). She was part of the curatorial staff for Yokohama Triennale, 2005 and was a researcher for the Asia Art Archive. Since 2008, she has been planning, coordinating and organizing the art festival Koganecho Bazaar and is also busy with curating the international Artist‐in‐Residence program in Koganecho, Yokohama.
ガブリエル・ヴィレガス(Gabriel Villegas)
セント・トーマス大学美術デザイン学部で広告美術を学ぶ。フィリピンの大手エンターテイメント誌「Yes!」のアートディレクター。10 代の頃から印刷物に興味を持ち、チラシや雑誌、絵はがきの収集を始める。小中高と学校新聞を制作して依頼、出版に携わっている。
Gabriel Villegas Gabriel Villegas fell inlove with the print medium when he was a teenager. He would collect brochures, flyers, magazines, postcards, and anything printed that was well designed. His first crack at the printed medium was through a small column in his grade school paper The Eaglet and then continued on to his high school paper Blue & Gold. His affair with print took a back seat while studying Advertising Arts at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila and resumed when he worked as a layout artist at Tower Records and MusicOne’s in‐store magazine PRESS. Currently, he is the art director of YES! Magazine, the number one entertainment magazine in the Philippines. His free time is spent exploring his other interests: cooking, technology, gadgets, reading, art, the internet and helping out with the projects of 98B.
マーク・サルヴァトゥス(Mark Salvatus)
Mark Salvatus (b.1980) Lives and works in Manila. He graduated from the University of Santo Tomas College of Fine Arts & Design with a degree in Advertising Arts. His work deals with familiar objects, change encounters, everyday politics that crosses various media from drawings, installations, photography, street/urban art, to interactive and participatory projects.
マリカ・コンスタンティーノ(Marika Constantino)
Marika Constantino Marika Constantino is a visual artist who has participated in significant exhibitions in the Philippines and abroad. As a freelance writer, she has contributed to a number of globally distributed publications. She shares her various experiences in the art practice to a wider audience as an educator and an independent curator. Her early exposure to art and her boundless fascination for the creative process resulted with a degree from the UP College of Architecture to further studies at the UP College of Fine Arts, with Art History as her major. Constantino is continually striving to strike the balance between the cerebral, conceptual and experiential aspects of art with life in general, thus, fuelling her fervent passion for artistic endeavors.
協賛:First United Building, Asian Institute for Liturgy and Music (Sambalikhaan)
Organized by: Koganecho Area Management Center
Co-organized by: 98B
Granted by: Japan Foundation, Pola Art Foundation
Supported by First United Building, Asian Institute for Liturgy and Music (Sambalikhaan)
1.Study Session Vol.1「フィリピンの美術を学ぶ」
6/23(土)13:30-15:30 / 高架下スタジオ Site-D(黄金町)
2.Study Session Vol.2「Magandang Hapon!」
7/14(土)14:00- / 98B Escolta(マニラ)
プレゼンター:Buen Calubayan and Leeroy New
3.Roundtable Discussion「Flyover 158 -98B」
8/15(水)15:00-18:00 / 98B Ezcolta(マニラ)
4.出版記念トーク「Flyover 158 -98B」
10/27(土)13:00-15:00 / 高架下スタジオ site-D(黄金町)
Related Events
1.Study Session Vol.1「Filipino Art」
June 23 sat. 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm / Site-D beneath the Railways, Koganecho
Lecturer: Yuria Furusawa (PhD Candidate at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
Organized by: Koganecho Area Management Center
2.Study Session Vol.2「Magandang Hapon!」
July 14 sat. 2:00pm – / 98B Escolta, Manila
Speakers:Buen Calubayan and Leeroy New
Organized by: 98B
3.Roundtable Discussion「Flyover 158 – 98B」
August 15 wed.3:00-6:00 / 98B Ezcolta, Manila
Speakers:Jun Honma, Don Dalmacio, Yumiko Ishihara, Con Cabrera, Mark Salvatus (artist), Marika Contantino (artist), Gabriel Villegas (art director of YES! Magazine), Mayumi Hirano (curator of the project)
4.Book launch talk「Flyover 158 -98B」
October 27 sat 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm / Site-D beneath the Railways, Koganecho
Speakers: Jun Honma, Yumiko Ishihara
Guest Speaker: Mimi Tecson (artist)
*Koganecho Bazaar 2012 Passport is required