【Finish】Nokisaki Art Fair

2023/10/14(Sat),15(Sun) 11:00~15:00

The “Nokisaki Art Fair” is an art event held under the Keikyu Line elevated railway, whose trademark is the red train. In addition to one-of-a-kind original goods by artists and creators, workshops for children will be held.
The “Hatsukohi Ichiba” will also be held at the same time along the elevated railway tracks, where local and neighborhood merchants will open special stalls.

*Because of the rain forecast, the venue on Sunday the 15th has been changed to “Site-C”.

Date|October 14 (Sat.) and 15 (Sun.)
Venue|In front of Hinode Studio, Rokkukaku
Organizer|Koganecho Area Management Center

*The event will be held even if it rains, but will be cancelled in case of stormy weather.
*“Hatsukohi Ichiba” will be held on the same day!