
Become a “Bazaar Supporter”

Throughout the year, Koganecho Area Management Center is looking for “Bazaar Supporters (volunteers)” to engage with our activities, such as the Koganecho Bazaar.

Requiring no qualifications or experience, anyone who is interested is welcome to join. Register to be “Bazaar Supporter”!

Support Us Membership

Koganecho Area Management Center has been able to realize many of its activities with the support of many people.

We would like to ask for your further support to make Koganecho, the “City of Art,” even more attractive and to enhance the efforts of artists working in this area.

The NPO Koganecho Area Management Center is a “Certified NPO” recognized by the City of Yokohama. As a result, individuals who donate to the NPO Koganecho Area Management Center may be eligible for tax benefits, such as deductions for donations, through their tax returns.
