Sachiko Inoue “A Dream”

I’ve been recording dreams that I had seen sometime since last summer in my diary. From among them, I selected a few dreams and made a collage photo. I printed them on glass using the classic printing technique called cyanotype. 
Photos on glass have existed since old times, and the images drawn with a thin film on this transparent material seem to reflect the fleeting nature of dreams that fade away unnoticed. 
I wonder if it is possible to somehow fix these materialized dreams into memory.

Date|June 5th is from 13:00 to 17:00, 6th, 7th are from 11:00 to 17:00, June 8th, 9th are from 11:00 to 19:00
Venue|Hatsuneterace A, 2-42-19, Hatsune-chou, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 

Sachiko Inoue

I am attempting to visualize things that cannot usually be seen through photography. This time, I am presenting dreams as collage works.
