Chen, Ting-Jung

  • 《Short Shot》(ハンブルク、2015)©Ting-Jung Chen

  • 《White Noise》 (ウィーン、2017) ©Ting-Jung Chen

  • 《Milchstrasse 29c》 (ハンブルク、2015) ©Ting-Jung Chen

Chen, Ting-Jung

Chen, Ting-Jung was born in1985 in Taipei, Taiwan.
She is based in Vienna and Hamburg.
2009, Bachelor in Philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
2015, Bachelor in Fine Art, University of Fine Arts of Hamburg.
Habitus, insignia, gestures, rhetoric. Objects, images, sounds, or Textuality and Materiality.
By performing these elements in poetic arrangements with in temporal related spaces, she demonstrates in her aesthetic practice a critical approach to "transformative identity". Through the dialectic working process, which usually involves public, she draws the overlapping culture mingling into an atlas.