KocoGarden announces that holds a solo exhibition for Loreen Frost.
I was looking on the internet for ideas to create greeting cards and came across a woman who was doing abstract watercolours, using salt and crushed saran wrap to manipulate colour variations and texture.
It was so fascinating that I decided to try it. My style of painting has always been realistic and very controlled, and sometimes miniature. This was a new experience for me to just let things happen, with something appearing that is one-of-a-kind and can’t be duplicated.
I like the anticipation and excitement of waiting for the paint to dry to see what has formed. The possibilities are endless, using different colour combinations and one of the techniques, or both on one painting. It feels like opening a gift!
When I look at them, I am amazed and feel so blessed and grateful to be still using my hands at 95 years of age to make/create things.
日時|1月26日(金) 12:00-
KocoGarden Project
Ninety Five Winters
Dates|Jan 26 – Feb 2, 2024
Opening hours|11:00 – 17:00
Venue|KocoGarden (Hatusne Wing A 1 Chome-21 Hatsune, Koganecho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa)
●Mini-opening + Artist talk
Date and time|Jan 26 12:00 pm-
Venue|KocoGarden (Hatusne Wing A 1 Chome-21 Hatsune, Koganecho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa)
アーティスト・プロフィール Artist Profile
ロリーン・フロスト / Loreen Frost
工芸やその他のプロジェクトにどれくらい携わっていますか?:幼少の頃から農場で、毛糸のカーディング、刺繍、敷物掛け、キルティング、編み物、かぎ針編み、洋服の縫製、生地アート、押し花をアレンジして絵に額装、マクラメ編み、小麦織り、水彩画、グリーティングカード作り、切り紙、料理 、パン作り、花や野菜の園芸、ジャム作り、ゼリー作り、ピクルス作り、果物の缶詰作りなど。
Year and month of Birth: September,1928
Place of Birth: At home on my parent’s farm, six miles from the town of Southey, Saskatchewan, Canada
Where you currently live: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Family history: Married 63 years. Five children, 9 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren
How long you have been engaged in craft projects and the various types of projects: Since childhood on the farm – carding wool, embroidery, rug hooking, quilting, knitting, crocheting, sewing clothes, dough art, pressed flowers arranged and framed as pictures, macrame, wheat weaving, watercoloring painting, making greeting cards, paper cutting, cooking, baking, flower and vegetable gardening and making jams, jellies, pickles and canning fruit.
Solo Exhibitions: This is my first!
Group Exhibitions: Six exhibitions as an Art Guild member and a curated exhibition in Regina, Saskatchewan
スティーブ・フロスト / Steve Frost
For over 30 years Steve Frost has been a practicing artist involved with grassroots arts organizing in Vancouver. A BFA studio major from The University of British Columbia with a focus on painting and printmaking has launched a decades long exploration of multi-disciplinary artistic expression. He is the founder and Executive Director of The Tasai Foundation, a Vancouver based collective of creatives for the common good.