常木 理早
Risa Tsunegi


常木理早《Swimming in the Grass》2018年、160×250×100 cm、ミクストメディア

Risa Tsunegi Swimming in the Grass 2018, 160×250×100 cm, mixed media

1982年群馬県生まれ。神奈川を拠点に活動中。2018年より黄金町AIR参加。チェルシー・カレッジ・オブ・アート・アンド・デザインにて絵画を学び、2009年グラスゴー芸術学校にてMFAを修了。絵画の陰影や形の重なりによる奥行きと素材そのものへの興味から、現在は形、重さ、重力、空間を分割する作品のあり方を探るため、主に立体作品を制作している。主な展示歴として、2019年「Causality and synchronicity」(Then Container、東京)、「OUT OF BOUNDS: An exhibition of Contemporary Art from Japan」(Bloc Projects、イギリス)など。

Born in Gunma, 1982. Currently based in Kanagawa, and participant of Koganecho AIR since 2018. Studied painting at the Chelsea College of Art and Design, and completed an MFA at the Glasgow School of Art in 2009. Based on an interest in raw materials and the depth created by the overlapping of shadows and shapes in a picture, she works in 3D in order to try and find a way to create pieces that divide the shape, weight, gravity and space. Past exhibitions include Causality and synchronicity 2019 (The Container, Tokyo), and OUT OF BOUNDS: An exhibition of Contemporary Art from Japan (Bloc Projects, UK).