Zenping Liao


rice field, 2019

1982年台湾新北市生まれ。国立台北芸術大学美術創作研究科絵画専攻卒業。2013年創作拠点を横浜に移転。「BankART Artist in Residence 2016,2017」参加。「横浜北部美術公募展2015」審査員賞受賞。「トーキョーワンダーウォール公募2015」入選。「漂白する私性 漂泊する詩性」(2018、横浜市民ギャラリー)。「U35-廖震平展」個展(2017、BankART Studio NYK)。「只在此山中」個展(2017、東京アーツギャラリー) 他多数。

Born in New Taipei City, Taiwan in 1982. Graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts. Moved to Yokohama in 2013. Participated in the BankART artist-in-residence programme 2016 and 2017. Won the North Yokohama Contemporary Art award in 2015. Exhibitions: Tokyo Wonder Wall 2015; Immersed Identity / Drifting Poetry, 2018 (Yokohama Civic Art Gallery); solo exhibition Under 35, 2017 (BankART Studio NYK); solo exhibition 只在此山中 ("In this mountain"), 2017 (Tokyo Arts Gallery) among others.

*特別プログラム 「Koganecho in Wonderland」展参加
*Special programme "Koganecho in Wonderland