Risa Tsunegi + Nobuo Yoda


常木理早 Risa Tsunegi
《Arch Pipe》2018年
photo by Shinya Kigure



Risa Tsunegi

Born in Gunma prefecture, 1982. Currently based in Tokyo and Kanagawa. Studied painting at the Chelsea College of Art and Design, and completed an MFA at the Glasgow School of Art in 2009. She is interested in things that appear to be seen despite not existing, in the depth created by overlapping shapes and shadows of paintings, as well as of the material itself, which transforms artistic expressions from the two to three dimensional. She is currently searching for a way to create works that divide shapes, weight, gravity, and atmosphere.


要田伸雄 Nobuo Yoda


1983年、大阪府生まれ。現在、東京を拠点に活動中。2007年ゴールドスミス・カレッジ・ファイン・アートにてContemporary critical studiesを修了。日常生活や身振り、映画や小説を含むフィクションなどの観察からそれらの構成要素を選び出し、物質的なものと非物質的なもの(気分、感情、レトリックなど)を同じ次元の素材として扱い、作品において再配置する。

Nobuo Yoda

Born in Osaka, 1983. Currently based in Tokyo. Graduated in Contemporary Critical Studies at Goldsmiths in 2007. Taking observations made of everyday life and gestures, as well as from fiction such as films and novels, he creates works that treat both the material and immaterial (moods, emotions and rhetoric etc) as part of the same dimension.