Home アーティスト・イン・レジデンス

アーティスト・イン・レジデンスArtist in Residence

Artist in Residence (AIR)

プログラムについて Program


The Koganecho Area Management Center (KAMC) runs an artist-in-residence programme for domestic and foreign artists, craftspeople, designers and architects engaged in all kinds of creative activities. The residence programme is located in Koganecho, near the coastal area of central Yokohama, and is characterised by its urban environment, which provides many opportunities to research, create, and exhibit artworks. There are multiple studios scattered throughout the local community, making use of small vacant stores and purpose built studios built beneath the railway. This means that a large number of artists can be accommodated at the same time, and they can work in an exciting environment that fosters interaction between artists, local residents, visitors and supporters.

黄金町のまちについて On the Koganecho Area

黄金町エリアは、かつて売買春等を行う違法な小規模店舗が約250件に達していました。そのような状況を変えるため、地域住民によって「初黄・日ノ出町環境浄化推進協議会」が2003年に立ち上がりました。 そして、アートを生かした新しいまちづくりを目指し、2009年には「NPO法人黄金町エリアマネジメントセンター」が設立され、まちを二度と昔に戻さないよう、地域・行政・警察・大学・アーティスト等と連携しながら、アートを通じて創造的で特色ある「界隈」の形成を進めています。


The Koganecho Area was once a red light district housing around 250 brothels. In order to redevelop the area, local residents formed the “Hatsunecho-Koganecho and Hinodecho Environmental Cleanup Initiative Committee” in 2003. With the aim of using art to create a new town, the “Koganecho Area Management Center” was then established in 2009, and with the cooperation of the region, administration, police, universities and artists, started promoting the formation of a creative and distinctive town.

プラン Plans

At Koganecho AIR, we offer 2 residency programmes: a 1 year “Long Term Residence” programme and a 3 month “Short Term Residence” programme.
プラン / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence

レジデンス期間 Residency Period

長期レジデンス:1年間 短期レジデンス:3ヶ月間

※滞在期間は個別に相談して決定します。希望する期間が上記の枠を超える、または満たない場合もご相談ください。 ※年度をまたぐ場合は、年度末に契約の更新が必要となります。

Residency Programme:1 year Short-term
Residency Programme : 3 months

* Residency dates are negotiable. Please let us know if you would like to stay for less than 1 year or more than 3 months. * If residency dates overlap the fiscal year (April to March), a contract renewal will be required at the end of the fiscal year.

料金基準 Monthly Costs

スタジオ利用料金(※)+水光熱費+火災保険料 ※金額はスタジオによって異なります。
Studio rent* + Utility charges + Fire insurance fee * Depends on the type of studio.

利用までの流れ Application Timeline

利用までの流れ / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence

※審査には1ヶ⽉程度かかります。 * The application process takes about 1 month.

応募方法 How to Apply


We closed applications for AIR residency on March 31, 2024. The next recruitment period is undecided. We will inform you on this website as soon as it is decided.

選考・面接スケジュール Application Process





Document check Within 10 days of the deadline

Interview* Within 10 days of document check

Final results Within a week after interview

*In person or via Zoom

レジデンススケジュール Residents’ Schedule

[ 月例 ]

27日 15時〜16時|防犯パトロール

27日 17時〜18時|アーティストミーティング

[ Every month ]

27th 3pm~4pm | Crime prevention patrol

27th 5pm~6pm | Artists’ Meeting

応募条件 Requirements








・Currently active artist (of any genre)

・Any age* or nationality

・Must be able to work and live independently

・Must be able to pay monthly costs (outlined above)

・Understand the aims of KAMC and local residents, and work together towards achieving these aims.

・Participate in events hosted by KAMC, local events, and be able to connect with local residents.

*Those under the age of 18 will need a guardian to sign their application form. This is also the case for group applications which includes minors.

入居条件 Residency Condition







※1レジデンスアーティストのスタジオを訪ねて回るツアーイベント。 ※2 各スタジオの窓辺に設置されている小さな展示スペース。 ※3 形式は展示、プレゼンテーション、オープンスタジオなど個別に相談し、決定します。

Comply with the conditions of using the studios.

・Use the studios as a base for artistic activities. It may not be used as a warehouse.

・Participate in the mid-year interviews.

・Participate in the studio/visitor tours during the residency period*.

・Make use of the window galleries in the studio for the duration of the residency**.

・Participate in exhibitions held in June or March, and report the results of the residency.

*Such as open studio tours **A small exhibition space in the window of each studio.

サポート Support

サポート / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence





・Artists Meetings (every 27th)

・Gathering Opportunity

サポート / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence




Exhibition space provision

For exhibiting and presenting work created during the residency (including PR events, opening receptions, etc).
サポート / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence


・レジデンス期間中の活動情報の発信 (媒体:ウェブサイト、各種SNS、メールニュース等)


Sharing artists’ event information for the duration of the residency period (via our website, social media, mailing list, etc).
サポート / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence




Use of Shared Facilities

Free use of shared facilities (such as kitchen, workshop spaces, etc).Resident artist discount rates for use of our other facilities.
サポート / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence



Artwork sales

Artworks can be exhibited and sold in our gallery(a commission will be taken when the artwork is sold).

まちづくりへの取り組み Our Town Redevelopment

Those who participate in the Koganecho AIR programmes are asked to bear in mind the purpose of the town redevelopment, and to get involved in its implementation.
まちづくりへの取り組み / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence

初黄・日ノ出町環境浄化推進協議会 定例会


Hatsunecho-Koganecho and Hinodecho Environmental Cleanup Initiative Committee meetings

Every 4th Thursday of the month
まちづくりへの取り組み / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence



Crime-prevention Patrol

27th of every month
まちづくりへの取り組み / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence



Nokisaki Art Fair

Several times a year

[主催]NPO法人黄金町エリアマネジメントセンター [Organiser] Koganecho Area Management Center

まちづくりへの取り組み / 黄金町AIR | Koganecho Artist in Residence



Koganecho Bazaar

Every autumn

[主催]NPO法人黄金町エリアマネジメントセンター、初黄・日ノ出町環境浄化推進協議会 [Organisers] Koganecho Area Management Center and the Hatsunecho-Koganecho and Hinodecho Environmental Cleanup Initiative Committee

スタジオ見学 Visiting the Studios

Studio tours are not currently available. A further announcement will be made as soon as the date is confirmed.

注意事項 Please note



・So as not to cause any nuisances, visiting, enquiring and/or negotiating directly with studio owners is strictly prohibited.

・After application, KAMC may offer a different studio to the one originally requested.
